Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chapter 1: The Love that does not Die

Before giving His Commentary, Guruji gives a small introduction on what the Bhakti Sutras are all about... He said and I quote... from now I will now use the Active voice........
Love is the Aim, the Goal of Life. At one angle, all negative emotions are also caused by Love - distortions. However, mankind seeks Love without negativity.
The centre of our life is LOVE, and we seem so far away from our centre. What can get us to the centre? The quest to get to the centre is ongoing; you need a thread to transform our life from misery to celebration - a life saving thread - Sutras - the essence in short to uplift you. These add wings to your heart.. Life is a tiny thread that can send the kite high. Tears of sadness can transform to tears of Joy. There are many such strings - one such thread is the Narada Bhakti Sutras. Narada is one who is in the Centre and also in the circumference.

Some people are very ideological and not practical; some people are very practical and don't have any ideology. We need a balance of both, in Life. Rishi Narada is known for playing mischief. When life is stagnant, you need to go to Narada and he sets the Wheel rolling through little Sutras - Aphorisms.

Bhakthi is Divine Love. The flavors and modes of Love are different. The pinnacle is a combination of all types - the Love you share with the whole Cosmos is Bhakthi. Love that has Wisdom, wakes you up from every cell is Bhakthi. If you are asleep, there is no quest... you need wakefulness to Listen.

Narada then begins the Sutras by saying, "And then now I shall explain Bhakthi". Guruji says, even emotions cannot be expressed, but here, Narada sets out to do the Impossible, he is going to explain / express Love. That Love which you share with creation is Bhakthi. We are all born out of Love. Its all a matter of getting back to your Source.

What good is enlightenment without Love; when you are in Divine Love, who wants Enlightenement? Journey is possible from the Known to the Unknown; not from Unknown to Unknown. For example, if somebody asks how does a Pine tree looks? A pine tree looks like a Pine tree. Same with Banana plant, apple tree.

Therefore from known to unknown, meaning, from some Love to Ultimate Love. You already know something about Love. Bhakthi is the Ultimate - full range of that Love. Multiply your love for your children x n, that equals Bhakthi. Intense Love is equal to Bhakthi. Love that does not Die.

Love has been changing in our lives. For example a child's love for his/her mother as a 2 year old and later as the child grown up, changes. Love gets distorted. Bhakthi is the Love that does not Die, timeless, immortal is its Nature. Attaining which, perfection comes in Life. When there is Love, you don't see any imperfection.

There are 3 types of perfection
Perfection in Action
Perfection in Speech
Perfection in Feelings

When such Love dawns, perfection happens. Example a son beats his own mother and when the police wanted to punish the son, the mother pleads to the police not to arrest the son. Moving from perfection to perfection!! What is the use of Life without Love!!

Love makes you supple yet not vulnerable; yet be strong and powerful, delicate yet strong. Perfection comes in your Life.

Immortal - undying energy - this realisation that you are not the Body but the Spirit gives fulfilment.

Knowledge is like a detergent. Love is like the purity of the garment. The Spirit is made up of Love just like our body is made of amino acids, proteins. The whole purpose in Life is to realise that You are Love. You are Fulfilment. Eg Dog biting the bone!! The bone is not juicy, you are juicy (the dog thinks the bone is juicy, actually by chewing the bone, the gums bleed and the dog thinks the bone is juicy:-):-))

Narada Bhakti Sutras

I have decided to embark on a rather ambitious project:-). I am going to share with all you all, what I have understood from listening to my Guru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji talk about Narada Bhakti Sutras - The Aphorisms of Love... I took notes as I listened and I will share the gist of the 84 Sutras that HE has given HIS commentary, by way of 18 Chapters. I would love to have discussions and your thoughts as you read along. The beauty of these Commentaries are that they are so profound, so deep in Knowledge and yet so light that its easy for us to assimilate and relate to in our daily lives..