HE says Love cannot be described, if you can describe, it will be far from the truth. This is the only thing in this world that cannot be described.. Yet, throughout history, man has attempted to describe /define and he has failed! Still, mankind has not lost hope:-). HE says, a million words cannot express what a glance can convey and a million glances cannot express what one moment of silence can convey. A moment of silence can convey much more than anything else can. Even silence can be expressed to some extent and Love is beyond this silence. Lovers have this problem, they do not know how to express!
Hanuman loves Lord Rama very dearly, even Lord Rama could not understand hanuman's love. Lord Rama is supposed to have asked Hanuman, how much do you love me?" Hanuman is supposed to have torn open his chest to reveal the Lord in his heart as he could not express it any other way! He says, "every hair in my body says Ram Ram..."
Love tries to find expression in so many forms.... mother calls her child tingu, puppy, etc although he/she have very nice proper names:-). There is no meaning to these words, they make no sense but you get a glimpse of love, it shines through here and there. HE says that every living being is like a pot that can hold nectar. Some pots are opaque and some transluscent. Similarly every creature has the capacity to love, every single person is touched by love, sometime, somewhere or the other.
HE says similarly, love is present in every particle, somehwere it shines through. A dog, a fool, a pigeon, a Saint, all have the same Love. But in a Saint, it shines through as the pot is transparent. At some time an opaque pot can become trasparent. Therefore, do not underestimate anyone in this planet. Therefore, honor all, do not judge or look down on anybody. Honoring a wise person is no big deal, we have no choice:-). Honor others, fools, ignorant people around you, then you have done something.
HE says there are three types of love: Sattvic, Rajasic & Tamasic. Sattivic love is when there is no expectation in return. rajasic love has feverishness and desires to get something back. Tamasic love is the love terrorists have, very destructive. Divine love is beyond these three, beyond attributes - unconditional with no strings attached. For example, mother's love for her child is beyond the attributes. For example, a mentally retarded child is also loved by the parenst. Divine love grows every moment - more and more depth. Such love never breaks! Its is very subtle, very refined and therefore not fully expressed but can only be experienced. A child's love moves from mother to friends to spouse to their own children. This happens in all species very naturally. Your pain only you will know, others cannot; similarly you cannot understand yourself, you are a mystery and can only be lived.
You can shed tears of gratitude, you cannot express love fully to anyone. Love has no flaws, its a continuum. Just like the Sun always shines, similarly it is our nature to love and meditation is immersing yourself in this love. Boredom is lack of juice and love is the juice of life. From boredom you can get to love, love and boredom have a common thread, repetition, for example, rosary. Love is the juice of Life and You are that.