Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chapter 13: Love is Supreme

HE begins with a story of a man who was given seeds to sow and he was so anxious that he would dig the seeds out every hour to monitor its growth! Similarly, we are so worried / anxious about the future, every plan leads to worry / anxiety. It means we have no confidence in God. We need to offer everything to the Divine. The advantage of love is it takes worry away. A rich man's son is not worried about money. Anxiety is worse than Death. It kills you slowly. HE says we often worry about 3 things: we worry about money; we worry about what people think and our prestige and we worry about the progress we are making in the path of knowledge. HE says all these are in contradiction to Love / devotion

HE gives the example of a lady holding onto her heavy suitcase in the train as she is worried the bag won't reach with her if she puts it away!. It appears ridiculous, but our case is similar. Nature is anyway taking care of us. For example, the air, earth, etc don't strike! We do not realise it. Nature takes Care. All the small losses we have had is to get something bigger. A little is lost to gain something more. As the saying goes, putting small fishes to catch the bigger ones. All these small losses have made us stronger.

HE says, often lose their health and values to gain wealth (scams in corporations). They want it all, but none of these stay -neither money nor prestige. Love is however, Supreme. When love matures in you, whatever you think happens. Till this happens, keep working without getting worked up over the results. When that centeredness happens, desires get fulfilled as soon as they come. Its takes awhile to become centered, to be perfect in the State of Being. One should not ignore day-to-day activities. Drop the expectations and keep going. If one asks for how long, that anxiety itself will be a hindrance. Just as moong dal sprouts in 2 days, a mango takes much longer, each of us will take time. keep working at it.

Anxiety kills Love. Love destroys all Negativity. The Seeker, asks, "but how?" Narada says if you can trascend four things: lust, money, atheism, enemity, then you will stop worrying and realise Love is Supreme. He says lust can twist the whole system. Some people constantly think about sex, it makes one dull. Second is to constantly think about making money. HE gives the example of a man reading about all kinds of ideas from hundreds of magazines but doing nothing! HE says, keep the money in the wallet, not in the mind. Money is Divine, it is sacred but thinking of money 24/7 makes one dull. HE says money is the means, not the end of life. Thidly, there are atheists who only believe in the material world. Some people look at the successful case of a non believer and our faith is shaken!. Narada says watch out for this... how can anyone be a non believer in this mystical world? Fourthly, we tend to believe in imaginary enemies out to plot against us!For a devotee, it is very unfortunate to be told that their Beloved / Divine let them down. HE says don't believe these 4 things as your devotion is shaken and Love comes down. save your life from these useless discussions.

HE narrates a story of Kabir. His satsangs were very popular and the other intellectuals plotted to create a scandal on Kabir to distract the audience. They hired a woman who claimed to be betrayed by Kabir in a public satsang, Kabir, however, showed kindness and welcomed her home. His action transformed her and she became a devotee. Being arrogant or wanting to show off is another hindrance. HE gives the example of wearing diamond necklaces, driving expensive cars, throwing lavish parties. While there is nothing wrong in being wealthy, there is no need to take pride in it as there is no Joy in such Acts. Palaces have become Museums today! example of Versailles was mentioned.

HE says nothing here belongs to you, you are just a custodian. For example, some Corporations want to own all the resources in this World, water, seeds etc. Resources belong to everybody and generosity kindles Love. Service Awakens Love and so Narada remains a servant.

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