There is a big major difference between Intention and Desire. Generally, actions happen through intention. For example; Suppose we want to go to Ottawa…. We will take a car and drive – notice there is no feverishness. Desire is intention with feverishness. The desire devoid of feverishness is Intention. Fools do not understand the difference!! Desire is the cause of misery, sorrow. Wisdom is when you recognize the difference between intention and Desire. Whatever activity you are doing, be calm ; centred – That’s the Secret
‘Sanyas’ means centred well, letting go of the feverishness. Feverishness in activity that takes you away from love. Feeling one with Divinity is love. I am You; You are Me; No separation. This is the slogan of Love. The friendship that arises with due to conflict / hatred is no friendship; it is only convenience. For example, a girlfriend goes out with someone else to make her boyfriend jealous:-). Conflict appears to bring closeness; it is illusory.
You take responsibility for others – so they don’t get hurt… you see oneness here… This is the nature of Love – Oneness. Do you see yourself as a part of this universe, air, ocean… that is Love. Are you merged into this Existence? In this material world, everything is in conflict
Water is in conflict with fire
Fire is in conflict with fuel
Air is in conflict with fire
Similarly, in life there is conflict. Do not try to solve conflict. Language of Love knows no Conflict. Be indifferent to conflict. This arrests the first step of Love turning to hatred. It will not touch you, it will pass by. For example, you don’t hate a stone, you just pass by. To rise beyond conflict /hatred, you have to be indifferent – achieve Divine Love which is beyond the opposites of Love; hatred. Brush aside Conflict. You save your mind, heart!!
What is total Oneness? Dropping others’ support. For example, going to a counselor for resolving marital conflict. Support doesn’t allow you to be 100%. Ananyata – totality of Oneness / merger. Recognise / honor everything / everyone – do not look for support. Money, fame, friendship, ego, prestige, love are examples of crutches – support. When stock market crashes, you also feel some part of you dies!!
When you come out of a relationship – you feel like you came out of Death – Because you are not centered. Its like two lame people trying to help each other. Drop all these supports. It’s in your mind that these are your security. For example, a very rich family from Uganda had to leave everything and go to London during the ethnic strife in their country. They had enough wealth to last five generations. But they reached London with just a suitcase and started life all over again, one of them remarked, “I started believing in the existence of God”. Money is not the security; God is the only Security. If you depend on divinity as support, you can help others. If you depend on people for emotional support, one day you will be in misery. Just the feeling “ God Loves me is Bhakthi, devotion.
Either in worldly or spiritual activity, be in accordance with love. Be indifferent to conflict. Every action has imperfection. Engineers have made the world greedy. Doctors want more sick people in order to be successful. Don’t see the flaws, you become a bundle of flaws and lose all virtues. For example, there are people who indulge in spiritual shopping!! – they end up a bundle of confusion!!
Be indifferent to Conflict when they arise in any activity. That is an indication that you’re love is Strong. If intention is good, but action has gone wrong, don’t blame.. for example, a doctor operates a patient by using a knife. Terrorist also uses a knife but here, even the Intention is wrong. But Compassion arises as you go beyond…
Another example is of a husband who lies to his wife because he is afraid to lose her. Truth may make him lose her! If at all there is a fight between love and truth, Love will always win!! Truth takes a backseat behind Love. For example, Gopis complain to Yashoda about Krishna stealing the butter. Krishna denies stealing any butter. There is joy in stealing and eating!! Actually, this action symbolizes the stealing of their hearts!!
‘Sanyas’ means centred well, letting go of the feverishness. Feverishness in activity that takes you away from love. Feeling one with Divinity is love. I am You; You are Me; No separation. This is the slogan of Love. The friendship that arises with due to conflict / hatred is no friendship; it is only convenience. For example, a girlfriend goes out with someone else to make her boyfriend jealous:-). Conflict appears to bring closeness; it is illusory.
You take responsibility for others – so they don’t get hurt… you see oneness here… This is the nature of Love – Oneness. Do you see yourself as a part of this universe, air, ocean… that is Love. Are you merged into this Existence? In this material world, everything is in conflict
Water is in conflict with fire
Fire is in conflict with fuel
Air is in conflict with fire
Similarly, in life there is conflict. Do not try to solve conflict. Language of Love knows no Conflict. Be indifferent to conflict. This arrests the first step of Love turning to hatred. It will not touch you, it will pass by. For example, you don’t hate a stone, you just pass by. To rise beyond conflict /hatred, you have to be indifferent – achieve Divine Love which is beyond the opposites of Love; hatred. Brush aside Conflict. You save your mind, heart!!
What is total Oneness? Dropping others’ support. For example, going to a counselor for resolving marital conflict. Support doesn’t allow you to be 100%. Ananyata – totality of Oneness / merger. Recognise / honor everything / everyone – do not look for support. Money, fame, friendship, ego, prestige, love are examples of crutches – support. When stock market crashes, you also feel some part of you dies!!
When you come out of a relationship – you feel like you came out of Death – Because you are not centered. Its like two lame people trying to help each other. Drop all these supports. It’s in your mind that these are your security. For example, a very rich family from Uganda had to leave everything and go to London during the ethnic strife in their country. They had enough wealth to last five generations. But they reached London with just a suitcase and started life all over again, one of them remarked, “I started believing in the existence of God”. Money is not the security; God is the only Security. If you depend on divinity as support, you can help others. If you depend on people for emotional support, one day you will be in misery. Just the feeling “ God Loves me is Bhakthi, devotion.
Either in worldly or spiritual activity, be in accordance with love. Be indifferent to conflict. Every action has imperfection. Engineers have made the world greedy. Doctors want more sick people in order to be successful. Don’t see the flaws, you become a bundle of flaws and lose all virtues. For example, there are people who indulge in spiritual shopping!! – they end up a bundle of confusion!!
Be indifferent to Conflict when they arise in any activity. That is an indication that you’re love is Strong. If intention is good, but action has gone wrong, don’t blame.. for example, a doctor operates a patient by using a knife. Terrorist also uses a knife but here, even the Intention is wrong. But Compassion arises as you go beyond…
Another example is of a husband who lies to his wife because he is afraid to lose her. Truth may make him lose her! If at all there is a fight between love and truth, Love will always win!! Truth takes a backseat behind Love. For example, Gopis complain to Yashoda about Krishna stealing the butter. Krishna denies stealing any butter. There is joy in stealing and eating!! Actually, this action symbolizes the stealing of their hearts!!
If you are not devoted to work, how can one perform? Its the conflicy that brings your devotion (bhakthi) down too! Sometimes, you don't like like doing your sadhana. To love something that you don't understand is Shraddha, Bhakthi
People tell lies with the fear of losing Love.
Conflicts in the Spiritual path reduces your Bhakthi. These conflicts we create in our Life and we super impose it on God. Ignore conflict whether in spiritual or material world. In Quran, Gita, etc., there may be conflict… truth is Contradictory / multidimensional. Love has no Rules. Rules are a matter of head. Love is a matter of heart. Heart cannot blossom if it is not free. Freedom brings Love. Yet we follow the Laws of Nature.
People tell lies with the fear of losing Love.
Conflicts in the Spiritual path reduces your Bhakthi. These conflicts we create in our Life and we super impose it on God. Ignore conflict whether in spiritual or material world. In Quran, Gita, etc., there may be conflict… truth is Contradictory / multidimensional. Love has no Rules. Rules are a matter of head. Love is a matter of heart. Heart cannot blossom if it is not free. Freedom brings Love. Yet we follow the Laws of Nature.
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