Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chapter 11: Attaining Divine Love

HE says whatever we are, that is what gets projected. If you are upset, you see the world upside down! People with similar tendencies get together, happy / disgruntled people get together. Disgruntled people are not comfortable with happy people. What we feel is what gets projected. An unemployed person talks about jobs, greedy people talk about money, and one who has attained Divine Love thinks and talks Love. For a hungry man, the moon looks like a pancake, for a lover, the moon looks like his/her beloved!What we have attained is what we speak. HE says just wake up and see, see what you are dwelling on..

HE gave the example of a lady from South America who wanted to be in a relationship. She got into one and soon wanted to get out from it! As you see, so is the Creation! A blind man, blind on one eye thinks people are insulting him when they wave a victory sign when their team wins! He thought people were mocking him!

HE says Nature loves us dearly, we realise this when we see flowers in bloom, waves in the ocean or even a mosquito or a bee. Even the worst enemy needs to be thanked as he brings virtues in us and shows us the contrast. HE says see good intention behind others' mistakes. Then you will see compassion. For example, a person cooks for the first time and it turns out to be bad but you see the good intention and you feel compassionate. For example, a heart surgeon has a 75% failure rate but they have good intentions.

HE says there are three types of secondary love - tamasic, rajasic and sattvic. Even terrorists have some love, only they don't have a broad vision. But they love something. So also suicide bombers. But such love creates misery for others - tamasic love. Another example is to smoke a cigarette, we may like it but it causes misery to our family. Terrorists do not realise that such actions do not bring any upliftment. Rajasic love brings great excitement and then brings great depression as well. There is too much of feverishness in this kind of love. For example, look at people when the awards are announced. This type of love brings momentary joy and long term misery. Sattvic love brings knowledge, service - love that is unconditional.

There are 4 types of people seeking Love: miserable people, people seeking comforts, people seeking meaning of life - seekers and people who are in Wisdom. the Wise also want love. the role of knowledge is to be in love, joy. This is their nature, he is close to the Divine. The fourth type is better than the third which is better than the second. Without Love there is no life. Similarly sattvic love is better than rajasic love is better than tamasic love. Our entire life is an expression of Love, however there are distortions.

Narada's sutras make our life so simple. It keeps us grounded and centered. When the link is missing, we find everything is missing.

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